
Donate to Support The Cause!

Why Should I Donate?

Donations go to helping me support my channel. By support, I mean getting some extra cash to buy equipment, programs, and other necessities in order to bring a better video experience to my fans.

DO NOT FEEL OBLIGATED TO DONATE!!! I am not hard pressed for money. I do have a full time job that pays decently enough. The only reasons I am even putting up a donation link are because for starters, I was asked to by my fans, and secondly, it would allow me to spend more time and energy in making more and better quality videos.

Donation is strictly voluntary! If you like what I do and would to support our cause though, donations are greatly appreciated! Other ways to support could always be fan art, created music or sounds that I could use, pressing the like button on my videos, and telling your friends about me.

Donation Amount: (Minimum $1 USD)

Note: When you submit this form, you will be taken to the paypal page to log in to complete the donation. Thank You for your Support!!!

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